The Right Business Model for You

Have the expert opinion of a partner to guide your business toward success.

Looking after clients, means giving them sound business advice, honest and sometimes unpopular opinions. A good business model create cycles that, over time, result in competitive advantage. Smart Start-ups know how to strengthen their virtuous cycles, weaken those of rivals, and even use their virtuous cycles to turn competitors’ strengths into weaknesses.

Business models refer to the logic of the company—how it operates and creates and captures value for stakeholders in a competitive marketplace.  When we design business models for Start-ups we look primarily at the customer value proposition, a profit formula, key resources, and key processes.

The growth drivers for start-ups are generally:

Market expansion

A formal growth strategy

Investing and innovation

Attracting and retaining quality staff

Financial managements

Cost efficiencies

Staff development & funding

The growth drivers for start-ups are generally:

Market expansion

A formal growth strategy

Investing and innovation

Attracting and retaining quality staff

Financial managements

Cost efficiencies

Staff development & funding

Who Benefits?

Start-ups that want to:


Fast track their growth and prosper


Capitalise on quick wins


Create the right business model (Configuration, Offering, Customer experience)


Create a culture of innovation to outperform its competitors


Want good advice


Pay for quality services that is affordable

Why us?

Over 160 international experts. The benefits are exponential

Boutique service

The costs are competitive

Hennie Krige

Chartered Accountant since 2020 and Associate director of Pretoria East Branch since March 2022. With experience in the field of auditing, assurance, tax, advisory and forensic accounting, he’s been involved with a wide variety of locally owned audit clients operating in a range of economic sectors including co-operative banking, retail, manufacturing, and non- profit organisations.